Famous People

August Wilhelm Iffland

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Actor and audience favorite in the theater life of his time

August Wilhelm Iffland, Schabkunstblatt (1799)

The actor, born on April 19, 1758 in the Leibnizhaus in Hanover, after whom the Iffland-Ring was later named, began his career as an actor in 1777 at the Gotha Court Theater.

In 1779 he came to the Mannheim National Theater. There he celebrated one of his greatest successes as Franz Moor in the premiere of Schiller's „Räuber“„".

In 1796 he was appointed theater director in Berlin and from 1811 until his death on September 22, 1814 he was general director of the Berlin National Theater.

In 65 pieces he met the taste of the time. The playwright who, along with Kotzebue, was the most played playwright of the Goethe period, discussed the recipe for his success in „Theory of Dramatic Art“.