Hannover Region

Political structure of the Hannover Region

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Abstimmung der Regionsversammlung

Region President, Regional Assembly, committees – the political parts of the Hannover Region

The head of the Hannover Region administration is the Region President. He is also the public representative of the region. Every five years the Region President is chosen by direct election. Mr Steffen Krach of the Social Democratic Party is Region President since 1 November 2021.

The Regional Assembly is the Hannover Region’s most important political committee. On behalf of the voters, 85 politicians – including the Region President – reach decisions that affect the future of the Hannover Region. The Regional Assembly is elected every five years. The next election is 2021.
Since the 1 November 2021 seven parties and two independent politicians are part of the assembly:
SPD (25 seats), CDU (22), Bündnis90/Die Grünen (18), FDP (5), AfD (4), Die Linke (3), dieBasis LV Niedersachsen (1), DIE HANNOVERANER (1), PRIATEN (1) and the groups Die PARTEI & VOLT (2), PARTEI MENSCH UMWELT TIERSCHUTZ & FREIE WÄHLER (2).

The political decisions are prepared by committees.

The meetings of these committees and of the Regional Assembly are all open to the public.

Infosystem Regionspolitik

Informationen über die politischen Angelegenheiten der Region Hannover - Mitglieder der Gremien, Sitzungstermine, Tagesordnungen, Vorlagen, Beschlüsse. 

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