State Capital Hannover

The Senior Citizens Advisory Board

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The Senior Citizens Advisory Board is the official, party politically and denominationally neutral representation of older people living in Hannover.

Der Seniorenbeirat der Landeshauptstadt Hannover mit der Amtszeit 2022 bis 2026

Every five years, by postal vote citizens over 60 years of age elect 200 delegates from proposal lists.

The current Seniors’ Advisory Board

This assembly elects the thirteen members of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board from among their number. Every year two plenary meetings of the delegates are held, at which the Senior Citizens Advisory Board gives an account of its activities, accepts motions and suggestions and deliberates on the problems of elder people with the participants.

In addition, for six regions of two or three city districts each, there are additional gatherings of the delegates responsible for those city districts. The Senior Citizens Advisory Board is a member of the “Landesseniorenrat Niedersachsen e. V.” (regional senior citizens council of Lower Saxony).