Animal & ­Environment

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Forschung am Tier bedeutet auch Forschung für den Menschen, zum Beispiel bei der Infektionsmedizin und der Entwicklung und Qualitätsprüfung von Lebensmitteln. Lass dich überraschen, wie Studierende Behandlungsschritte im Studium der Tiermedizin erlernen. Stell fest, wie breit das Spektrum dieser Rubrik ist, vom Katastrophenschutz bis zu urbanen Themen.

Du hast schon immer davon geträumt Tierarzt zu werden? Du kannst hier erleben, wie die Studierenden lernen, Krankheiten bei Tieren zu diagnostizieren und sie erfolgreich zu behandeln. Lass dich davon überraschen, was Tiermediziner für gesunde Nutztiere und Lebensmittel leisten.

How and why are they performed? And what is examined?

Looking into Animals: Necropsies at the TiHo

Veterinary pathologists have varied tasks: they determine the causes of diseases and death in pets, zoo animals, and livestock, and also perform research...

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TiHo investigates new poultry husbandry concept - Studentenwerk tests acceptance in refectories

Dual-Purpose Chicken-Research to Improve Animal Welfare

Researchers of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, (TiHo) are currently investigating the husbandry of dual-purpose chicken in coo...

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The future of asthma research: live lung slices

A New Alternative to Animal Testing!

Why do I have trouble breathing? About 5 percent of all Germans suffer from asthma. No wonder that scientists are searching for new drugs to alleviate the...

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The department of Fish Pathology and Fish Farming at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover

Fish: Furless Patients

What does a fish doctor actually do? He examines, takes x-rays, carries out ultrasound scans, vaccinates, and sometimes even operates on fish – for instan...

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The bio concept car research project

Smudo in the Speed Drunkenness

The future of mobility is green – that is the firm belief of the IfBB, Smudo, celebrity racer and lead singer of the German hip-hop band “Fanta4”, and rac...

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