Local Business Promotion Services


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Business promotion activities aim to further develop the Hannover business region, and to ensure that it remains viable in future. This includes safeguarding highly qualified jobs, maintaining a business-friendly infrastructure, and providing competent services for companies and startups.

Prime location, strong industry, great opportunities

Digital Health City Hannover

Digitalisation in the health sector and artificial intelligence can support the development of new, effective treatments, lead to lower costs and help pat...

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Where world-class research & sciences happens next door to its industry

Health Location Hannover

What makes Hannover such a special health location?As well as prestigious hospitals, research institutions and high-tech health companies, it is above all...

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New fields of research, application, and business

Optogenetics – using light to control cells

Can we activate and deactivate cells with a light switch? Optogenetics, a relatively new scientific discipline that combines optical technologies and life...

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The ideal location for innovative business development

Science and Technology Park Hannover

In the middle of nature, with ideal traffic connections and innovative neighbors. The Technology Center in the Science Park offers start-ups an optimal fo...

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