Customer Service for professionals, students and their family members
To make your way to and in Hanover easier, we have set up a team especially for professionals, students and self-employed persons and their relatives. We will accompany and support you from your entry to your residence permit to a permanent residence permit.
As a general rule, you require a prior appointment for visiting the Foreigners' Registration Office. Appointments can be made on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday morning as well as on Thursday afternoon.
You can make an appointment by phone (Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 4 pm and Friday from 8:30 am to 2 pm).
Please note: Some settings in the web browser you use may inhibit an appointment reservation by not allowing cookies. If you encounter problems, deactivate the Add-Ons of your browser or use another web browser. Your data are transmitted via a https connection.
The application for the residence permit, as well as a checklist with the required documents can be found here:

Application for a residence permit
Form of the Immigration Office of the City of Hannover
Checkliste / check list
Erforderliche Unterlagen für die Aufenthaltserlaubnis | Required documents for the residence permit
Advice for students
If you are studying in Germany and would like to use a blocked bank account as proof of finance, you can download the form below to open the blocked account with your bank.
For the extension of the residence permit at least an amount of 5118 € must be present on the blocked account. If you can prove the amount of 10236 € on the blocked account, we can check, if the residence permit can be extended for 2 years.
Further useful information
The Studentenwerk Hannover (Student Services Organisation Hannover) has made a short film about studying and living in Hannover:
A production of the Hannover Science Initiative in cooperation with the Studentenwerk Hannover, student service union.