1.700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland

A Stroll through Jewish Hanover

Join us in a digital exploration of "Jewish Hanover" on August 24th.

Synagoge Hannover, 1905

Jewish Life past and present

What have Jews from Hanover to do with global brands such as Deutsche Grammophon and Continental?
Join us in a digital journey through space and time and learn to „read“ the stories the city tells.
Discover the traces left by Jewish congregation(s) and Jewish men and women from Hanover in many walks of life, past and present.

Dr. Edel Sheridan-Quantz was born and educated in Ireland and has lived in Hanover since 1994.
She has researched and published on numerous aspects of Hanover’s urban history and historical geography. In 2012 she curated an exhibition on the printing works of the Jewish entrepreneur Adolf Molling, in 2015 she researched the biographies of 63 Jewish children from Hanover for the exhibition „Strange home. Kindertransports from Hanover 1938-1939“.
She has been employed as a historian by the municipal Culture of Remembrance Office since 2017 and was involved in the planning and development of the educational centre ZeitZentrum Zivilcourage.

Speaker: Edel Sheridan-Quantz

Date: 24. August, 15:30

Location: Zoom.
You can get the link here oef@begegnung-christen-juden.org



Begegnung Christen und Juden.Niedersachsen e.V., Archivstr. 3, 30169 Hannover

Apl. Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick, 0511/1241-434, rudnick@kirchliche-dienste.de

Mag. theol. Gerd Brockhaus, P.i.R., 0511/64221420, 0175/5232126, oef@begegnung-christen-juden.org



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ATTENTION!!! It is an online event.


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