In research, medical treatment and teaching, the Hannover Medical School concept of selective priority funding has won a leading position in the top-ranking group of German university clinics. The outstanding research achievements of the only university in Germany with an exclusively medical focus have been highlighted by its participation in federal and state excellence initiatives, where the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH) was ranked "Most Successful University in Northern Germany" and "Best University Clinic Nationwide".
Various focal points
The MHH is strong in transplantation and stem cell research, regenerative medicine, infection and immune research as well as public health and healthcare systems research. Over 30.000 square metres of laboratories are at the disposal of more than 1,400 scientists on the campus in Gross-Buchholz.
3,600 students
The outstanding teaching performance is clear from the fact that the Hannover Biomedical Research School at MHH – training the rising generation of scientists – is also supported by the excellence initiative. The number of applicants is proof of the enormous popularity of the model course in human medicine amongst first-year students. The same applies to the studies in dentistry. 3,600 young people are attending courses at the MHH.
Leading roles worldwide
The MHH also performs excellently in the field of patient care, treating more than 57.000 in-patients and well over 385.000 out-patients every year, exploiting the synergy benefits between medical research at the highest level and the most modern diagnostic technologies and therapies. No other clinic in Germany cares for such seriously ill patients as MHH, a major intensive care medical facility. MHH conducts more than 450 solid organ transplants a year, the highest number in Germany, and is the world's leading clinic in lung transplantation. Additionally, there are about 140 bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell transplantations a year. With its cochlear implants - electronic devices that stimulate the inner ear - MHH also plays a leading role worldwide.