Directorate of Finance and Public Order

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Directorate II of the State Capital

The Directorate of Finance and Order consists of the "Finance" and "Public Order" Divisions along with the supplementary pension fund, with approximately 900 employees overall.

In the Finance Division the budgets are prepared, implemented and audited. Since 2011, the State Capital Hannover uses exclusively double-entry bookkeeping. Further tasks of the Division are investment management and credit management. Besides, both the Department of Taxes and the Department of Enforcement make sure that the revenues add up.

A large percentage of the city’s customer contacts occur in the Public Order Division – all matters affecting residents, of people of foreign nationality and of regulative law as well as trading and veterinary matters. The Division defines itself as a modern, customer oriented service provider.

The task of the supplementary pension fund (ZVK) is to provide supplementary benefits to pensioners who were employed at the City Administration or other employers associated with the ZVK. The department lets 2400 apartments of varying size in different parts of the town.