The Directorate of Social Affairs and Sports comprises the Divisions Social Affairs, Senior Citizens, and Sports. It supports Hannover’s citizens in their social needs, for example, by providing aid for special circumstances, subsistence welfare and basic social security provision, or aid according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act.
With the introduction of 'Sozialgesetzbuch' (Social Security Code) II – basic provision for jobseekers – in the frame of the Fourth Law for Modern Services on the Labour Market (also known as 'Hartz IV') many of the former responsibilities of the Social Services Directorate were transferred to the local 'job centres' of the 'ARGE', in which the local 'Bundesagentur für Arbeit' and the 'Region Hannover' joined forces. Thus, since then, subsistence welfare and basic social security provision are only granted to persons who are incapacitated for work. The focus by now is on aid for special circumstances, especially on integration support for disabled people, help for carers, and also health support.
In addition, the Directorate of Social Affairs and Sports houses the coordination office for social planning, the commissioner for drugs and the commissioner for people with disabilities.