Bus, Tram and Rail

Public Transport

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Die Station Kröpcke mit einfahrender Bahn.

By bus, tram or rail through Hannover and the Hannover Region - all the information you need.

Üstra Service Centre City

At the üstra Service Centre City on the Platz der Weltausstellung you can buy tickets for the local bus, tram and railway network, timetables in book form, personal timetables and timetables for particular stops. Or ask about individual information on how to get from one place to another, using any type of public transport. Here you will also receive advice on any issue relating to environment-friendly mobility.

More information can be found here.

Ticket Information

Tickets are valid up to one day. The GVH (Greater Hannover transport network) tariff area is divided into three ticket zones: "Hannover Stadt" (city), "Umland" (surrounding area) and "Region". The price of a journey with a single ticket depends on the number of zones you travel in.

More information about tickets, prices and zones can be found here.