Series of Events

City of women*

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City of Women* – the city belongs to women!
Bus tours and events for International Women's Day

City of women* 2024

On the occasion of International Women's Day, well-known Hanoverian women will guide us through their neighborhoods and lives. During the trip on the Bussanova bus, they talk about their professional and personal experiences, show us biographical places and talk about relevant topics. Four different women, four exciting lives. After the tour, there will be coffee, cake, conversation and music in one of the Stadtteilzentren: even if you can't find a seat on the bus, you are welcome to join us!

We are celebrating International Women's Day together with a big party. And we address many topics relevant to women - from experiences of discrimination, safety and medical prevention to intercultural aspects. A variety of cooperation partners and associations make this thematic range possible.
City of Women* shows the great commitment of women for women in Hanover and contributes to networking.

All events are exclusively for women, female read persons and FLINTA.
Participation is free of charge.
Registrations for the bus tours (limited number of places!) and for the other events are accepted by the Stadtteilzentren.

A joint series of events by Stadtteilkultur Hannover with the singer
Ayda Kırcı: Stadtteilzentrum Lister Turm, Stadtteilzentrum Weiße
Rose Mühlenberg, Stadtteilzentrum Ricklingen, Kulturbüro Linden-Süd,
Freizeitheim Vahrenwald, Stadtteilzentrum Nordstadt Bürgerschule.
In cooperation with: Polizeidirektion Hannover, Staatsoper Hannover and the MusikZentrum Hannover.

The City of Women* event series is sponsored by the Department for Women and Equality of the LHH and the Klosterkammer Hannover.

The complete program is available here: