The Studentenwerk Hannover (Student Administration) helps students that need GermanFederalLawonSupportinEducation
Overview: Student Administration Hannover
In Germany, the universities do not administer student social affairs themselves – this is taken over by separate public law institutions, the so called "Studentenwerke". The Student Administration Hannover tries to make student life easier and more pleasant. Whatever your question may be – the "Studentenwerk Hannover" will try to help you as good as possible.
Dining schedules, rooms and apartments online, university sports, tutoring programmes or any kind of advice you are possibly looking for – just take a look at the website of the Student Administration Hannover!
Many questions, more answers!
Food & Drinks
Nine refectories and many more cafeterias offer tasty and healthy food, breakfast and snacks.
Dormitories, rooms and apartments at a reasonable cost – the Student Administration also offers an online flat-market.
Information on financial aids, loans and grants – the "Studentenwerk" is also responsible for BAföG, a state-aided student loan programme. Entitled to BAföG are mostly German citizens or, occasionally, permanent residents.
Social Advice
Job, social and accident insurcance; Studying with a child; Counselling for students facing psychological or social problems; Unemployment benefit; Student discounts – these are just a few topics the Social Advice Centre deals with.
The "Studentenwerk" supports and sponsors all kind of activities of cultural groups of students.
International Students
A special support for students from abroad is provided: Before, during or after the study – check out this special section on the website where you will find a detailed overview: Student Administration Hannover for International Students